One night I spent 4 hours, from 8 to 12 midnight, sitting in a car with an old English brother. This was in Canada. Anyways, the whole night nothing happened, we just parked the car so we could see the grounds and entrance to the Assembly Hall. Reggie, the Englishman, spent the whole time talking about his high blood pressure and when he was in 'the service', 'When I was in the service, this...' and '...when I was in the service...' that. Hour after hour. At first I thought it didn't make any sense. Then he started talking about his .303 rifle and others in his regiment, and I am thinking, 'What kind of field service do they have in England?' Finally my 18 year old brain figures out, ' He's not talking about 'field service witnessing' , but he's talking about 'in the service' in the English army. After that I would listen to him at the Kingdom Hall talking to whoever, old sisters, brothers, kids, and he would always talk about 'when I was in the service.' Funny, they were always wondering what the h#ll he was talking about.